GULF WAR Day Became Night and We Saw Hell1990-1991 |
On February 24th
the Marines 4,000 strong punched and thrust in to Kuwait. Task Force
Ripper and that is just what the Leathernecks were Rippers. Many DoD’s
media pool members in large numbers were present. However one network
television news crewmember chose to find another Marine unit with less
dangerous mission. Though some reporters seemed a bit uneasy, the same
could not be said for the Marines and Sailors hours before attack. |
The 7th
Marines Chaplain =LtCmdr. Joseph Matoush quoted some words from
Shakespeare then he added if Shakespeare were here and alive today,
he’d probably add “ Let’s go kick some ass”. Knowing that the
Iraqi’s tank force out numbered the Marine tanks. None of this
mattered the toilet had done been flushed. Didn’t matter about tanks,
man power etc. it was time to Kick Ass. At 7a.m. on the 24th
of Feb. with chemical suits and boots and farther away tankers from 3d
Tank Bn checked the mine plows and newly installed mine rollers on their
M60 tanks. Even farther away the cannon cockers of 3rd Bn, 11th
Marines could be seen moving their big guns into column formation.
Twelve kilometers southwest of the heel of the Kuwaiti border, Ripper uncoiled itself moving silently north. In many ways it resembled a giant version of the desert’s brown viper, a snake the Marines learned to respect during their stay in the Saudi desert. Then at 7a.m. on the 24th, Ripper struck the first obstacle belt. Air support from 3d MAW came in two-plane attack waves every 7 minutes apart. Then HMMWVs fanned out to provide over watch firepower, then the 11th Marines positioned their 155mm howitzers to provide direct fire power and support. Yes, the Marines had since past the thought of anything except Fight. Trained to take out the Enemy whom ever the enemy may be. |
Dozens of
Soviet-made tanks and armored personal carriers were taken out by the
Marines. By noon on Feb.27th it became apparent that
Ripper’s role-the Marines had done their job and the coalition forces
began sweeping through Kuwait City. During the 3-day attack-war,
hundreds of enemy tanks and APC’s were destroyed while capturing more
than 9,000 prisoners. What had once been the light of day now had turned
to what looked like Hell itself. Between fire and smoke no one could see
even their finger in front of their face. But this would not last too
long. The Marines already had the airfield occupied in Kuwait. |
For years to come military strategists would try to study the clockwork precision of Ripper’s tactics. Charts, graphs, maps, pictures and textbooks will spell out how weapons were employed, tanks were maneuvered and obstacles were over come. But no where among all the data will there be a way of measuring or accounting for the one Major Factor in Ripper’s winning equation= that is the individual spirit and confidence of the Marines themselves. This Spirit is what won this war, allowing a few good Marines to fight a very good battle and have a Victory. |
As one Marine recalls mortar rounds and artillery but then PSY-Ops didn’t want to be left out. Air power was called in Huey’s and F16s . We had 32-stacked waiting for the call. We were pinned down, the Huey’s with big speakers in the doors flew over head and played the Star Spangle Banner by Boston, it was so loud it vibrated the ground, in force our Spirits joined and we soared. All the way through Kuwait and on out headed for Baghdad and for one who had caused it all Hussein. Prepared to finish the entire job, but we were pulled back, and stopped by President Bush. Some don’t know we lost some of our own and yes we also have POW’s and MIA’s. The truth is always covered up and it is hid from the people of the United States. After all who really cares this is how many of our Veterans feel from all wars, Who Care’s? Some Gulf War Veterans feel like even though they fought and could have been killed and many of them are suffering today. The Gulf War Veterans feel like people don’t look at this war as war because it ended so soon, unlike the Vietnam War that seem to go on forever. Many of the Gulf War Veterans are suffering physical and mental illnesses from the war. Now our government has elected to call their suffering the same as Vietnam Veterans, they call it PTSD Syndrome – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome. However the same as the Vietnam Veterans know about Agent Orange so do the Gulf War Veterans with the Nerve Agents and Chemical and Biological exposures. |
Working with Veterans and assisting them and being under the umbrella of the National Vietnam & Gulf War Veterans Coalition I understand more than John Q. Public does. With all Wars there is tragedy and a price to pay. However for any and all of our Veterans they deserve to be taken care of and acknowledged for their service for all. . |
I’m A Marine |
The Veteran sit quietly as his
body shook, and his hands trembled |
He joined the military and served
a decade and a half with no War |
Proud To Serve, a Pride carried
in his heart for his love of the Corp |
Leatherneck, Lean, Green Fighting
Machine and other names too |
Dedicated and devoted my spirit
soars high; I will be a Marine when I die |
I really can’t talk about the
war, I get too upset and feel sick inside |
I’d go all the way to Baghdad
and kick that fat SOBs evil ass |
I think I have told you enough
about me, just remember I’m a Marine |
To all men and women who served in the armed forces of The United States Humbly America Thanks You. And May God Bless You All. |
Running Deer