Easter its that time of year, when all children dream of what the Easter Bunny might bring them when they wake up on Easter morning. Then they focus on coloring the Easter eggs and of course the Easter egg hunt. Each child hoping that Peter Cotton Tail will not forget them and leave them a Big Chocolate Candy Bunny to eat. This is what most children are thinking of at Easter and the adults are busy trying to figure out whose house everyone will choose to gather at for Easter Dinner.  It’s GOOD to gather and its fun to be a child and have these Holidays of excitement. It never seems to fail that during this time of year someone will ask which came first? The chicken or the egg? So many people get hung up on this question. When it is so very easy to answer. The answer is neither, because you see God is FIRST and His Son Jesus. Without him there would have been no chicken and no egg. So you can answer this one easy enough. Without Him there would be no you or me and there would be no Easter. Its good to let children enjoy Easter, but parents stay on the right path. Teach your children the TRUTH and TRUE meaning of what is called Easter. Tell your children how much God Loves them, and just how much He gave to us all through His son Jesus. Teach them without God giving His son we would have No life, no happiness, no hope for tomorrow, no salvation, no forgiveness of sin, no faith, no mansion over the hill top, no peace in the valley, no one to prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemy, no one who knew us before we were placed in our Mothers womb, no one who would hold us in the palm of His hand, we truly would have no one to Love us as God does. Let your children enjoy Easter but tell them who paid the price that they may have life eternal with Him who rose from the dead so you and I and our children may enjoy and have life.  Use this site as the graphics will help you to teach of Gods Love, and His son Jesus.

The words are spoken as if Jesus himself is speaking to you, and telling the story.

Jesus is my name; I am the Son of God. He is my Heavenly Father and yours also. You see I was sent into this world by Him that you might be saved and have eternal life. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believed in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life. You see one comes unto the Father by me. God our Father Loves you this much and so do I. Every creation is loved by us, and it is known by us. My Heavenly Father – God and He is yours also sits on His Throne and I sit at the right hand of my Father God. I was conceived by the Holy Spirit., which means I wasn’t the baby like you were or maybe your brother or sister was. I was different not of man, but out of this comes three which is called the True Trinity, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Me being different don’t mean that God the Father doesn’t know you; He knew you before you were placed in your Mothers womb and He holds you in the palm of His hand. The Greatest Gift that we were given is His Love and this is what He wants for you is Love. You see I was born just like you and I had to go through things in life as many of you do. This was our Fathers plan, it had to be this way so I would know and understand what you go through each day. It also was this way so I as Jesus would know how to fight the temptation, evil and satan, just as you may have to from time to time. So I had to be of flesh in order to know. You see it was sort of like a game of checkers, by Me being born of flesh each time that old devil made a move, I could make a better one and Our Heavenly Father and we would win. I was not liked by some people, but I kept doing what our Father God would have Me to do. I taught about His Love; let all little children suffer unto me and through God done healing work. When my life and work was done on earth I knew, because all was our Fathers Plan and I Loved and Trusted Him with everything. Like I said not all liked me, and so the way in which I died may seem very cruel but actually God won a Victory and so did you. Punishment back then was called Crucified that means, nailed to a cross and hung up. But just like I told you earlier that God held you in the palm of His hand well He held me there also. I died but I Rose from the dead, Spirit to be with our Heavenly Father God, and this way I could be with you because I as Jesus Love you so much. You see life goes on when you believe; death is not the last. We are there to help keep watch over you just as the angels do for Love keeps going on and on forever. There are some pictures here that will help you to understand better. This is what Easter is about; it’s really my resurrection that means when I arose, when I ascended- which means I went into Heaven to be with God. Easter is good and all Gods children should be Happy and enjoy life for this is what God and I want for you. Hunt Easter Eggs and have a good time, Remember Us and how much We Love you. During your day of fun take time out to Thank God for all His Love and Grace for when you are Thanking Him you are Thanking Me also. Remember By His Love everything came to be, with Him life is Eternally.

Father Thy Will be done

Carrying My cross up Calvary


My Mother and an angel

See there were 3 that day on a cross, I hung in the middle.  They were punished for being thieves. I told them that they also would be with Me in paradise that means the Best place there could ever be.  We were going to be with God our Father.

This is the tomb that is the same as a grave that they put my body in.  But I didn’t stay I Arose. I ascended that means I went into Heaven to be with God our Father.

I’m Alive

Call my name Jesus and I shall hear you, no matter where you are there I am also.

I shall reach out my arms to you for I Love you so. I am the Light, The Truth and the Way. I will Never leave you My child, call out My name and remember to pray.

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter from Amerak.com and

By His Love.com

By: Running Deer


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