I have slept and come to an
Awakening Love
Like the rose under winters blanket of snow
Awakening Love brings forth feelings of life
The heart dances & the stomach has butterflies
Like the rose each day brings forth new growth
A gentle spring rain and the suns warm glow
By His Love these things are given to the rose
The rose and I come to life with Awakening Love
is needed by all it brings forth its own light
As the rose shows its beauty yours will surely shine
We unfold our feelings of love like the petal of a rose
Moving slowly, smiling, growing Awakening Love
Moving to a universal tune body swaying in the wind
We feel the warmth and comfort love brings with in
Caressed gently like the rose our love will not be bruised
No deceit or pain Love is free and it brings forth truth |
Awakening Love
happens and comes in many ways
For like the rose which comes in many various colors
Love for us may be today, tomorrow or forever
Our colors change as we light up with happiness
Love is fragile it must be handled with care & protected
For as the rose if Love should sleep a peaceful rest
You will not have to worry for it will wake and return
But if it is broken and bitter the seed of Love is ruined |
Remember the rose and its delicate beauty as it sleeps
The flower that is given for it has so many meanings
It doesn't seek to own but shares its beauty so freely
Awakening Love that we all can see so very clearly
If your Love is like the rose and you sleep before I
I shall carry with me your beautiful love always inside
My heart shall gently slide under winters blanket of snow
There we will entwine together with our love and wait
For the season of time to come for our Awakening Love |
Running Deer |